Kimberly M. Speights
When you add resilience to purpose, multiply it with grace, and plant it in the Word of God - you have Kimberly M. Speights.
Kimberly is known to empower audiences with truth, transparency, and a straightforward approach. This method brings empowerment and undeniable encounters that invoke change from the inside and out.
Curriculum Vitae
Present: PhD Community Health Promotion University of Alabama at Birmingham
2021 Master of Art- Human Services Counseling: Marriage and Family Liberty University
2017 Bachelor of Science-Christian Counseling Liberty University Lynchburg, VA
Featured Media & In Person Appearances:
2021 Featured in Shoutout Atlanta
2020 Featured in the Birmimgham Times
2020 Featured in VoyageATL
2017 In Person Appearance The Joe Lockett Show
2017 In Person Appearance ABC 33/40 Talk of Alabama
2016 In Person Appearance Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) Gadsden
2014 Platform Speaker-Sisters In Christ Women's Conference Georgia
2013 Recipient, Outstanding Community Service Medal, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
State of Alabama Licensed Clergy
Editorial 2021 2021 Reviewer, Community Gardening StartUp Guidelines; Alabama A & M and Auburn Universities Extension Urban Agriculture.
2020 2020, Focus Group Moderator, Exploring COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among stakeholders in African American and Latinx communities in the deep south through the lens of the health belief model, UAB.
2022 Alabama State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance: Health & Physical Literacy Summit.
2021 Qualitative Data Analysis and Reporting Training (NVIVO), UAB
2020 Focus Group Training/Certification, UAB. 2019 Survey Administration Training/Certification (RedCap), UAB.
Title: UAB Grand Challenge: Health Alabama 2030: Live HealthSmart Alabama Principal Investigator: Mona Fouad, MD Role: Community Engagement Manager Agency: University of Alabama at Birmingham
Title: Obesity Health Disparities Research Center (OHDRC) Principal Investigator: Mona N. Fouad, MD, MPH Role: Community Engagement Core Agency: NIH/NIMHD Project Number: U54 MD000502 T
Title: A Multi-level Approach to Violence Prevention among African American Adolescents Role: Community Engagement Core Agency: NIMHD/CHAAMPS Pilot Program Project Number: U54 MD008620
Title: Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Center (MHDRC) Principal Investigator: Mona N. Fouad, MD, MPH Role: Community Engagement Core Agency: NIH/National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities Project Number: 5P60 MD000502
Title: Comprehensive Minority and Health Disparities Research Center Administrative Supplement Principal Investigator: Mona N. Fouad, MD, MPH Role: Community Engagement Core Agency: NIH/NCMHD Project Number: P60 MD000502
2020 Bateman, L., Schoenberger, Y., Hansen, B., Osborne, T. Okoro. G., Speights, K., & Fouad, M. Confronting COVID-19 in under-resourced African American neighborhoods: a qualitative study examining community member and stakeholders’ perceptions. Ethnicity & Health (CETH) 2020;1(26). Doi: 10.1080/13557858.2021.1873250
2019 A multi-level approach to violence prevention among African American adolescents., Center for Health African American Men through Partnerships (CHAAMPS) National Meeting, Poster Presentation, Minneapolis, MN.
Tier I (12 months)
Monthly group conference call
Bi-weekly one-on-one sessions
Quarterly "Catch-Up & Convos" Gathering
Yearly conference w/industry leader presenters
Quarterly outreach "Give Back" Day
Branded paraphernalia
Tier II (6 months)
Monthly group conference call
1 Quarter "Catch-Up & Convos Gathering
1 Quarter "Give Back" Day
One 30-minute one-on-one session
Tier III (3 months)
Monthly group conference call
Two 30-minute one-on-one session